a node at the edge  

May 08, 2002
MetabloggingNever having to say you're sorry...

"Love means never having to say you're sorry"

The lamest line in the lamest movie of all time. If you don't recognize the line, count your self lucky. Sorry, but I cheered when the babe died.

I consider this movie a tie with "Titanic" for most likely to make you gag.

I'm not cruel, or mean, or unromantic -- I just can't stand maudlin.

Addendum to previous post -- Mike Golby's good people. He pissed me off today. But he's good people.

Posted by Bb at May 08, 2002 07:09 PM


'Love Story', dare I mention it? The first real, formulaic, tear-jerking blockbuster with Ryan O'Neal and Ali McGraw. It should have been a brick and yet it made an absolute killing (well, as you point out, she died in the end). It was also the last picture of its type because the sequel, 'Oliver's Story', didn't perform as intended.

Why is this awful stuff coming back to me? I really did not pay any attention to those movies. I swear I did not. It was a long, long time ago. About 30-35 years at least. Good grief, have I really been around that long - longer, I guess :)?

Posted by: Mike Golby on May 9, 2002 06:46 AM

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