a node at the edge  

May 09, 2002
MetabloggingIn support of content

Normally I don't insert my body into the ranks of the weblogging intelligentsia when AKMA, Searls, Weinberger, Himmer, and so on become deeply engaged in cross-blogging about particulary heavy and philosophical topics. I'm usually happy to just sit back and watch the flow -- brain pushups.

However, when the topic is "content" and the by-play between participants is so interesting, why I just have to jump in. My only worry is that the gang will take one look at my efforts and throw me back. My eyes are clear, and my scales are firm, so we can hope.

The thread root seems to be a posting that Doc made, in which he says:

    That's why it's no coincidence that when Big Media (and .com wannabe Big Media) saw the Web, they took everything we used to call "art," "editorial," "music," and "news" — and recharacterized it all as "content." Because "content" is something you ship, something you distribute. It's not necessarily something you share.

Doc has a very good point -- is the use of the word "content" a way of demeaning what we write? Instead of literature, we create content. Instead of art, we create content?

Weinberger continues on this theme when he states:

    Links not only literally make the Web a web, but the nature of those links determines almost everything that is interesting and important about it. Content is to the Web as zombies are to human culture.

Beautifully said. Powerful. And Halley responds in agreement, stating "People who use the word 'content' make my words into whores."

Chris fearlessly drenches his feathers by jumping in, cannon ball style with:

    Shuffling, whether off the mortal coil, or into the spotlight, it's the motion, not the meat, mama. The medium ain't worth a rat's posterior. The eye is drawn to motion - 'don't move or he'll see us' is whispered child's-voice breathlessly in a technicolour dream of Monsters Under The Bed.

When Wonder Chicken turns demented owl, there is no better read on the web.

AKMA, my favorite man of the cloth used the dastardly word and paid the ultimate price. However, he saves the theological bacon with a lovely posting, containing among other things:

    If we distinguish web "content" from any other aspect of online textuality--MIDI background music (argh), Flash animations, "blink" tags, Java-scripted moving buttons, whatever--we deny the meaningfulness of auditory, graphical, kinetic stiumuli, a pretty mess into which I wish I hadn't stepped.

By the way, AKMA, how's the term DylanBoy for Mike Golby, who also added his thoughts to the fray with "stuff happens".

If each of these postings was a unique note, this symphony would be a keeper.

Being the curious sort, I did a Thesaurus search on content. Following is a summarized view of the results:

    Of well-being and affections
    Existence in space, being both the dissenter and the noncomformist
    Averse acquiescence, uncontradicted
    Cordial and cheery to the marrow, from the bone
    These dainty comforts, scraps from the album

Odd, but when you look at "content" this way, I don't mind being a content creator.

Posted by Bb at May 09, 2002 04:07 PM


I?ve always thought of ?content? as a sort of catch all container for writing, photos, graphics etc. A generic word for the meat on a web site?s programming bones. A reason for the site to exist. But Doc could have a good point.

Is lumping all of our endeavors - be they art or not - into one general classification a way of degrading any artistic value they might have? Does using a formless term like ?content,? reduce the worthiness of the material so classified? Interesting thought.

Posted by: Kath on May 10, 2002 11:09 AM

Wondering where all those ?s cam from, then I remembered I had Word open, and since I hate typing in these small boxes, I typed in Word, then copied and pasted. Word obviously inserted those "smart quote" things. I really wish Bill Gates and crew would stop trying to think for me!

Posted by: Kath on May 10, 2002 11:12 AM

My comments were suffering from run on of the mouth. You can read them here:

if you like :)

Posted by: ruzz on May 10, 2002 11:26 AM

Nice response ruzz!

Posted by: Bb aka Shelley aka Weblog Bosswoman on May 10, 2002 01:14 PM

thanks shelly, aka Bb aka Weblog Bosswoman :P

Posted by: ruzz on May 10, 2002 01:45 PM

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