a node at the edge  

May 17, 2002
LifeJust another morning

It starts with an Argentinian ant invasion. While I was waiting for the exterminator this morning, I received a phone call from another weblogger. Lovely voice. Witty conversation. Wonderful surprise.

Just as I'm hanging up the phone, the exterminator came and after I showed her where the little buggers were entering my home, I took off to let her do her thing.

Normally I walk along Crissy Fields in the evening, but today was too nice to stay inside. As I was walking along the beach I watched the pelicans fishing just offshore.

Pelicans are my favorite bird. They look as if they couldn't fly more than a few feet, but I've seen them fly into gale force winds with barely a struggle. And their landing! They circle lower and lower, than a quick crashing dive bomb into the water, splashing water high into the air -- absolutely no subtlety in their movements. Fearless.

Pelicans are almost completely indifferent to humanity. They're neither overly impacted by nor all that dependent on us. For the most part, they just ignore us. They're large enough to have few predators, and aggressive enough to ensure they get what they need to survive. A truly beautiful, arrogant bird.

So this morning I walked along the beach with the wind in my hair and the sun in my face, watching the pelicans exhibit their mastery over water and air -- truly king over all they fly.


I didn't know sharks got that big in the Bay...

Posted by Bb at May 17, 2002 02:04 PM


I hear that Halley may be offline meeting with AKMA today -- a historic event in itself. I can't imagine what her head's gonna be like when she returns to find we're slated to switch lifestreams. or whatever this has turned into. I mean, we've never even spoken. Is this the right way to begin a relationship? I mean, I'm trying to be senstive about boundaries and stuff these days so not sure that swapping minds and bodies would reflect... how do I say this?... the proper degree of respect. Abby, what do you say?

Posted by: RB on May 17, 2002 03:48 PM

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