a node at the edge  

June 01, 2002

I took that Belief-o-Matic test that's supposed to tell you the religious system that best suits you.

After finishing the test I waited for the results. And waited. And waited. Finally a simple plain white web page opened, and in the middle of the page I read the following words:

    I reached a place where every light is muted,
    which bellows like the sea beneath a tempest,
    when it is battered by opposing winds.

    The hellish hurricane, which never rests,
    drives on the spirits with its violence:
    wheeling and pounding, it harasses them.

    The soul falls headlong, down into this cistern;
    and up above, perhaps, there still appears
    the body of the shade that winters here.

As I puzzled over the results, a beating sound started coming from my computer and my monitor started slowing spinning. I was amazed since I was using a laptop and the monitor doesn't spin.

Faster went the monitor, louder was the beating, smoke poured from the machine until all of a sudden the monitor stopped spinning and displayed

    The Blue Screen of Death

And then my machine died. A melted plastic blob, still faintly smoking. In the air, the subtle scent of burnt plastic mixed in with overripe ocean and rotten eggs.

Luckily I had this backup machine so I could post to my weblog. Unfortunately, I don't have any results from the test to post.


Graphic courtesy Stavros the Wonder Chicken (downsized to fit on page - view fullsize version

Posted by Bb at June 01, 2002 01:33 PM


Shouldn't that be the Blue Screen of uh...Life or something? Although the computing god is a vengeful one, this is true...

Posted by: stavrosthewonderchicken on June 1, 2002 06:18 PM


(please excuse the horrible compression artifacts)

Posted by: stavrosthewonderchicken on June 1, 2002 06:58 PM

Stavros, that's a great pic! I'm going to try and post online, attached to this.

Posted by: Bb aka Shelley aka Weblog Bosswoman on June 1, 2002 07:39 PM

Heh. Thanks, BB. Slightly better quality (larger) version here : http://emptybottle.org/images/bb_bsod_mid.jpg

Posted by: stavrosthewonderchicken on June 1, 2002 10:41 PM

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