a node at the edge  

June 20, 2002
TravelingReno Calling

A quick update because connection charges are ruinously expense at the hotel (Silver Legacy, Reno).

Long trip was cancelled and I'm heading to St. Louis direct. The move this last week was, well, horrible. Thankfully the folks at Delancy Street (non-profit foundation that employes people in various positions), came through and rescued me today, packing up the rest of my stuff. I am sicker than a dog is all I can say.

Heading to St. Lou in easy stages.

Thanks to everyone for the incredibly efforts with Thread the Needle, or ThreadNeedle, or Needley. The great thing about this project is it's the first to be designed via the weblogs.

One thing I have been stressging with TheadNeedle is no popularity - no rank - no listing of buzz - nothing of that sort. We're here to have a conversation, to connect. Quality of conversation should matter, not quantity of links.

Am I out to lunch on this one issue? Should popularity of threads be denoted in some way?

Looking out hotel window at a massive thunder storm rolling in. I get to drive through my first t-storm tomorrow. Cool.

Posted by Bb at June 20, 2002 08:37 PM


Isn't sheer number of replies already an indicator of popularity/quality of thread? Perfect indicator of course it isn't, but it's something.

Possibly we might want a binary distinction between "contributing" to a thread and "linking" to it. The former advances the conversation; the latter says "hey, this is cool -- go read it!"

If nothing else, such a system would keep someone following the conversation after the fact from downloading umpteen repetitions of "hey, this is cool -- go read it!" Ideally, though, it would also provide a simple yardstick for what the population at large thought was worthwhile.

Now that I think about it, though, the link-hoovering sites like Daypop already do a decent job of evaluating number of links to a given item. Maybe if we just figured out how to make them part of the system...

Topic drift: thought of any neat ways to handle topic drift? :)

Hope you're feeling better, BTW.

Posted by: Dorothea on June 21, 2002 06:52 AM

Take care of you, Shell. Hydrate, rest and destress whenever and wherever possible.

My blog gets lookers, not linkers ... and they're not talkers, either, with the exception of a few. Not sure how to change that or if I should even try ... so I'm not sure where I fit in all this. Maybe testing the obscurity factor.

Posted by: sharon o on June 21, 2002 12:50 PM

Hey, get well soon--moving is one of the most traumatic, stressful things a body can do. Take careof yourself! We want you strong and active again, soon.

Posted by: AKMA on June 21, 2002 07:52 PM

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