a node at the edge  

July 05, 2002
NeighborhoodOut and About

Euan of The Obvious? has made the move from Blogger to a new MT-based weblog in a new location (time to update links, folks). Congrats on the move, Euan. And remember - if you need help with MT, all you have to do is holler. Since you're having template - and most likely CSS - problems, I won't be able to help you, but I'll commiserate nicely.

Speaking of MT, it sounds like Ben and Mena's server is being overwhelmed and they need to make a move, themselves. I'm not exactly rolling in dough at the moment but I'm finally plunking down a bit for my MT installation - especially since I'll be extending my use of MT throughout all of my websites.

I was going to send a well done to Dorothea for duckling rescue when I realized it was David who did the rescuing. So - well done, David!

AKMA's thinking about creating a U Blog gift shop. There's a problem though - we have no school colors. We have no school motto. (We have no school, but that's besides the point.) Life's issues may march on - the good with the bad, the happy and the sad - but everyone knows a school needs school colors and a motto. Something Latin. What's Latin for blog? Now, what's Latin for blog that doesn't sound like a disease?

A quiet thanks to my favorite songbird, Shannon: Smoochies, girl - you made my day yesterday.

And now, this blog will self-destruct in five seconds: one, two, three, ....

Posted by Bb at July 05, 2002 09:07 AM


Well, I have a few blogstickers in Latin ... ok 2 ... but they are here http://www.wordwhores.com/blogstickers.shtml

Carpe Blog is always a good one but Verba Volant, Bloga Manent (Translation "Spoken words fly away, blogged words remain" ... I THINK that's it, it's been a while since I did that one) is a good one, too. Just thoughts. Though I'm not on the faculty so maybe I can't submit? Are there rules here??

Hope you are well. I'm gearing up to go to the PowerPuff Girls movie 'cause "That's what girls do..."

Posted by: shar aka sharon o aka me on July 5, 2002 10:35 AM

PowerPuff Girls movie?

I like the Bloga Manent one. As for not being on staff, I don't think we have a librarian...

Posted by: Bb aka Shelley aka Weblog Bosswoman on July 5, 2002 10:43 AM

"And now, this blog will self-destruct in five seconds: one, two, three, ...."

*chuckle* somehow I knew that was coming. You know I think you both rock. You are two of my favorite blogger people in the whole world, which includes, Pixel Kitty & ruzz of course.

Posted by: Sam on July 5, 2002 10:44 AM

Thanks for the kind thoughts Shelley. MT will be great when I eventually get my head round it!


Posted by: The Obvious? on July 5, 2002 01:04 PM

Sam, you have such GOOD taste ;-)

Euan, use caution when attempting to get your head around software. This has been known to cause abberant behavior, such as buying Microsoft products, that sort of thing.

Posted by: Bb aka Shelley aka Weblog Bosswoman on July 5, 2002 01:14 PM

David and I spent a lot of time wondering about the Latin for blog. We figured it's a verb: blogo, blogere, blogui, blogitum. (I need to check with him; may have gotten the third principal part wrong there.)

Motto? Um, give us a day or three. We'll come up with sometyhing.

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on July 5, 2002 02:35 PM

It is also a noun. My blog, your blog, his blog... much like rant, although the nominal usage of rant may be a neologism.

Posted by: fp on July 6, 2002 02:43 PM

You're right, of course. Words hop parts of speech all the time.

For those who are interested, David took on the question and AKMA responded with Greek.

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on July 6, 2002 11:37 PM

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