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July 10, 2002
PoliticsPundit One and LAX

The mighty Glenn Reynolds has written another of his edifying columns out at Fox, this one on the LAX shooting.

As expected, he echos the other punditry's concensus that the shooting was an act of terrorism. Hadayet was from Egypt, most likely hated Jews, objected to an American flag over his apartment and might possibly have met with an Osama Bin Laden associate in 1995. Therefore, this wasn't the act of a man who went beserk, grabbed some guns, found a target and started shooting - this was the pre-planned, carefully thought out action of a terrorist.

What do you know, terrorism is occurring on the streets of America every day. Fancy that.

I'll give him this, the Pundit One does have a different take in how to deal with these types of situations:

    The clearest lesson of the Los Angeles International shooting is that diffuse threats like terrorism are best answered with diffuse defenses: lots of people, preferably armed, who are ready to respond in a hurry.

Lovely idea - arm a paranoid populace with guns and tell them they're America's first line of defense against terrorism.

Glenn Reynolds is nothing more than a thinking person's chew toy.

Posted by Bb at July 10, 2002 10:40 PM


His bit wasn't sponsored by the NRA by any chance, was it? Not that I'm surprised by anything that comes from "We distort, and decide for you". The answer to everything seems to be guns and violence, in the opinion of some sectors of the populace/media. I wonder if this is linked on some level to the anger issue? Hmmm. Non violent means of resolving disputes are almost always more effective than violent ones, and involve less blood as well. Asimov once said "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."

Posted by: rev on July 11, 2002 08:30 AM

To set the context, Reynolds is a Libertarian and a law professor specializing in teaching constitutional law - second amendment constitutional law.

Reynold's is of the school that believes the best solution is to find all bad guys and shoot them dead. And then arm all the good guys so that if more bad guys come along, we can shoot them dead.

What a "utopia".

Posted by: Bb aka Shelley aka Weblog Bosswoman on July 11, 2002 09:09 AM

I loved the line: "a thinking person's chew toy." Professor Reynolds could adopt it as a tag line.

My cat had a catnip-filled Newt Gingrich toy.

The same company made a catnip-filled Bill Clinton for Republican cats.

I don't know you tell the difference between liberal and conservative cats, however.

Posted by: Bill Humphries on July 11, 2002 11:09 AM

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