a node at the edge  

August 08, 2002
MetabloggingThe Debate falters, lying broken in the dust

Yesterday I accepted the challenge issued by the so-called warbloggers to engage in an ongoing debate about war in Iraq; to put forth arguments without recourse to personal attacks. I believe that I accomplished this, writing up both legal and strategic reasons against war in Iraq and not once engaging in character assassination.

My regular readers are probably wondering why I bother, as these debates rarely go anywhere. (Especially since I'm under such a tight book deadline. Yeah, yeah, and ThreadNeedle is overdue, too.)

Past experience has shown that when those in my virtual neighborhood engage in said debates, we're usually ignored by the warbloggers, or personally impugned. Rarely are our arguments directly referenced, with the point by point rebuttal or dispassionate cross-examination that marks good debating technique. Why tilt at the warblogger windmills?

What can I say, my lance was dull and needed sharpening, and my horse is fat and needs exercise.

Joking aside, debate is a remarkably effective method of finding which of our arguments are sound, and which are so full of holes they'd sink if floated on water. And there are many decisions being made in the US (and most likely other countries) based on some very leaky arguments. Good debate is a quality assurance process.

Since the first rule of debate is to define the subject, from this point on for this particular debate I'm going to label the sides pro-invasion for those in favor of invasion of Iraq; and anti-invasion for those against. The whole warblogger, anti-warblogger, peaceblogger labeling is getting tiring--time to start addressing specific issues rather than dump each other into dismissive categories.

On to the debate:

Eric did respond to Alan's posting on the analogy of post-war Japan and humiliation, though as you'll read from my comments, I felt that he didn't adress Allan's writing specifically. He also didn't address Jonathon's excellent posting, though has said he is writing more on this issue later. As for my own posting, he responded here and here. However, he also wrote:

    Burningbird senses a weariness on my part to engage in a point by point debate. This is so because I sense we have no common ground whatsoever. That is why I have presented detailed overviews on the various issues: they indicate where I am coming from.

Eric, if we agreed, there'd be nothing to debate.

Den Beste wrote:

    I favored the war in Afghanistan. I favor war in Iraq. I hate the prospect, but I consider all the alternatives to be even worse, and I believe that the longer we wait, the worse the cost of the war (to us) will be, and since I consider such a war unavoidable then the sooner the better. But entering a war is a major political decision and it unquestionably should happen only with emergence of public consensus, based on reasoned understanding of the issues by the public, which I believe can best be fostered by public debate. After Pearl Harbor, no such public debate was needed to create a consensus for war against Japan, but since I'm advocating a preemptive attack against another nation instead of a direct response to a direct attack by that nation, then we have the luxury of time for a debate, and an obligation to engage in one.

    And I have been trying, off and on, to engage those who strongly disagree with me in such debate for months now, largely fruitlessly. Perhaps I chose the wrong forum to issue my challenge, given that those on the other side of the political fence who participated there at the time also tended to subscribe to a whole mishmash of post-modern multicultural dogma, to the extent that we couldn't even come to an agreement about the fundamentals of epistemology, let along tackle the actual political issues. At the time I dismissed those epistemological concepts as "Berkeley Rules", and in reaction I was myself dismissed as a bully and an insensitive boor who didn't understand what a social gaffe it was for me to actually tell someone that they were wrong about something and to try to prove it to them and everyone else.

While Den Beste is a pro-invasion and I'm anti-invasion, I do agree with him about the importance of debate of this issue.

I haven't seen any polls in regards to invading Iraq, but if any has been conducted, I wouldn't be surprised that at least 50% of the people in my country believe we should invade Iraq. Their reasons vary, but chances are they're reflected in what we read within the weblogs. Time to start talking. Time to start the debate.

Update: Eric did respond to Jonathon's post with an extensive post of his own. However, me thinks the debate on the Iraq invasion between us has run its course.

Probably for the best.

Posted by Bb at August 08, 2002 05:21 PM


I;m glad you got the last post - i tried hard to do what you asked and because that was my concept it was much easier. The problem with the larger question is that it is so large and involves so many suppositions. If we can bite off small chunks I will be happy to discuss whatever you'd like in the future.

Posted by: Eric Olsen on August 8, 2002 09:10 PM

I hate to see this die, Shelley. People like me need help (see my blog post today).

You've been doing a wonderful job of summarizing this debate and providing us with your own well-reasoned viewpoints. This is one of the most perplexing, hard-to-nail-down public issues I've experienced in a long, long time, and I've been around longer than most of the folks in Blogaria.
--Tom S

Posted by: Tom Shugart on August 8, 2002 09:42 PM

Eric, thanks for the debate. It is appreciated. And since you have all that free time from no longer debating me, you can pop over to my friend's weblog and listen to her music and help her get a record ;-)

Tom, I'm not dropping this altogether, but am getting off Eric's back. Still, it's very discouraging to get into these discussions. And it puts me out of touch with the neighborhood.

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on August 8, 2002 10:08 PM

Ah, Tom, what I need is a new victim ;-)

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on August 8, 2002 10:33 PM

Steven Den Beste issued a debate challenge on Metafilter several months ago, not long before he took his ball and stopped playing for reasons which are not worth going into here, and no one really took him up on it (other than Zachmind, who was trounced, as I recall), mostly because of SDB's style of argument and tactics, which in those days at least, were considered by many to have a tendency to be less than totally above board. The general consensus at the time was that his professed desire for debate was more to stomp on his opponent and *achieve victory* (ironic, that) than explore issues.

His second paragraph quoted in your post is typical of his 'oh poor me' triple-salchow backhanded attacks, all veiled ad-hominem and mock-wounded pride.

I would suggest he's not worth bothering with. As for the others, I've never read any of them. Perhaps I should start. Perhaps.


Posted by: stavrosthewonderchicken on August 8, 2002 11:07 PM

That's interesting Stavros, because I got the impression that his debating skills are highly admired.

The best debates are not between people with the same views, but between people who respect that others have different views, and genuinely want to hear them. It would seem from what you have to say that Den Best debates for the sake of debate rather than to expore new ideas, and test his own beliefs.

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on August 8, 2002 11:23 PM

Framing questions are so important.

Q:Survey says N% of people support invasion.

Will you get different answers if you ask:

How many American soldiers are you willing to have die to replace Saddam Hussein with a friendly government?

How many extra days' salary are you willing to pay in extra taxes for the next 4 years to cover the expense of the invasion and the aftermath?

How do you define victory?

Would it be a victory if Saddam leaves but destroys Iraq's oil supply before he goes?

Would it be a victory if another despot takes control, but permits weapon inspectors?

We know it is hard to win a war on two fronts. Would you be willing to retreat from Iraq to defend an Israel under attack?

Iraq is one of the few traditional military powers in the region. Assuming we destroy those forces, might the funds normally used to maintain them go to asymmetric warfare (terrorism), warfare we are less prepared to fight?

I enjoy how good debate explores the edges of an issue, clearing up underlying facts, extracting assumptions, getting to underlying values. Glad to see some on this issue.

Posted by: Phil Wolff on August 9, 2002 12:20 AM

I'm conscious of not wanting to slander Steven, as I do admire his thoroughness and prolixity. The impressions I relate with regard to his debating/discussion tactics are mostly received consensus wisdom from his old days at Metafilter before he left in a huff, and only part personal observation of same. But I suspect that it's easier to be perceived as an able opponent when everyone (as in the 'warblogger community', apparently) in sight is so furiously giving each other reach-arounds...

Posted by: stavrosthewonderchicken on August 9, 2002 01:19 AM

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