a node at the edge  

August 27, 2002
TechnologyWhy RSS?

Dave asked the question: Why is RSS 1.0 called RSS? Since I'm writing a book on RDF and just finished my chapter on RSS (no, that wasn't the one I lost), I feel qualified to answer this.

Dave, the RSS in RSS 1.0 stands for "RDF Site Summary". The RSS in previous versions of RSS stood for "Rich Site Summary".

Though Dave didn't specifically ask this, I will: why involve RDF? And my answer is: for the exact same reason we build databases based on the relational data model rather than create our own storage scheme for each business data need -- expediency.

By using an accepted and agreed on data model to define and store the data, a wide variety of tools and APIs can process the data without having to be rewritten for each specific application. The relational data model provides this for traditional databases; RDF provides this for XML.

By bringing RSS into compliance with the RDF specifications, you can (as I did yesterday) process an RSS document using the same pre-built APIs, services, and applications used to process RDF/XML defining other business processes. This processing reuse allows folks to focus on the unique needs of the business and the business data, rather than on the mechanics of how to process, store, or generate the XML.

This is no different than being able to store many different types of business data in an Oracle database and then access it using SQL.

Posted by Bb at August 27, 2002 11:12 AM


It's interesting how people parse the question. What I was thinking is, what does the RDF-based version have in common with the earlier non-RDF version that justifies them having the same name.

I'm accumulating a list of responses here, and probably will link to that page from Scripting News tomorrow.

Posted by: Dave Winer on August 27, 2002 05:25 PM

What do the earlier non-RDF verisions of RSS have in common with the even earlier RDF-based (originally conceived as defined purely in RDFS terms) that justify their name?

Posted by: Jon Hanna on August 27, 2002 07:46 PM

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