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August 29, 2002
LifeJamie and the Reality Test

Regardless of the motives, I think that Jamie Lee Curtis' recent photo shoot was terrific. She's showing that in the battle with gravity, gravity ultimately wins. She also shows that it's time to blow the hell out of our fixation on having perfect bodies.

It's easy to feel beautiful when the world looks at you in approval because you fit the perfect mold of what is "beautiful". What a kick to dress sexy, post for provocative photos, flaunt the bod when it's all there. But what happens when it isn't all there?

Being beautiful should be based on something more than just our hair color, tight butt, or ripe, ruby red lips. And being fit should be something we do for ourselves, to feel healthy, and to stay active. We shouldn't have to be fit, or skinny, or have plastic surgery, or dress in certain ways just to meet some vapid person's approval.

I remember when I was much younger, and much more callow, how I would look at older women and think to myself, look at that hair, those breasts, that stomach. Now I look at my own hair, my own breasts, and my less than firm and ripply belly and send a silent and heartfelt apology to every woman I ever maligned in my jejune thoughts.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment I need to keep with the treadmill over at the gym. And when I'm finished with my nice, brisk walk, I'm going to indulge in a nice, luscious, calorie laden mocha Tim Tam to go with my coffee.

Posted by Bb at August 29, 2002 09:02 AM


GO BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: jeneane on August 29, 2002 08:16 PM

vapid: don't knock it till you try it.

Posted by: RageBoy on August 30, 2002 09:04 AM

Cronedom definitely has its advantages. Don't knock it til you've tried it.

Posted by: Elaine of Kalilily on August 30, 2002 09:35 AM

Vapid? Oh, I thought you said "Rabid." Now I get it.

Posted by: jeneane on September 1, 2002 09:18 PM

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