a node at the edge  

August 29, 2002
NeighborhoodSay What?

No, no. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to rise to this one. I'm still licking my wounds from the last time I let lose with my mouth about "s_x__m".

I've learned my lesson. You don't have to keep hitting this puppy with a rolled up newspaper to make me learn.

Posted by Bb at August 29, 2002 02:37 PM


Nolite te bastardes carborundum.

Posted by: Andrea on August 29, 2002 04:43 PM

Actually, what I found infinitly more amusing was not that you said that about Doc's post - in what - about 10 words? But that a humoungous thread sprung around it Consisting of thousands of words from all over the place.

Damn that's gotta feel good :)

Posted by: Karl on August 29, 2002 09:45 PM

Hmmm, you'll take the guys to task, but -- I dunno -- when it's a not-guy, ya ain't gonna touch it? (Actually, the idea of business books as bodice rippers for men doesn't wash with me... I'm something of a trash novel expert, and the masculine equiv. of a Harlequin romance has a black cover with embossed red lettering and some flash of silver or gold on it. It is usually about catching bad guys for doing bad stuff and having lots of excitement on the way, including both sex and violence.

At least that's the kind I like. B-books generally well, suck.

Posted by: Frankzilla on August 29, 2002 10:13 PM

I'm with Frank.

I honestly don't have any male friends who read business books.

But my older brother developed a habit of giving me for Christmas an unwrapped box of all the paperbacks he's bought in airports during the previous year.

Eventually, I got hooked on the genre, which is mostly action/spy/murder mystery stuff. They definitely have voice and style, and they're great for putting the monkey brain on idle.

We "real men" rip no bodices.

Posted by: Sheila Lennon on August 30, 2002 01:16 AM

You're a "real man", Sheila?

Posted by: tomas on August 30, 2002 06:13 AM

I must be, Tomas, 'cause I've never read a romance novel (past the first coupla breathless paragraphs, anyway).

Which I think is related to what bb is not rising to...

Posted by: Sheila Lennon on August 30, 2002 07:39 AM

Looks like you're doing it again, Bb, even though you didn't do it. It seems to me that most webloggers tend to be strong individualists, and, if that's so, we would tend to believe that the differences among us are based in the individual, not gender. Maybe it's actually mostly individual differences with a few gender genes in there complicating matters even more. Personally, I like novels with female kick-ass protagonists, and I sure do understand why guys might perfer the male versions. But business books?

Posted by: Elaine of Kalilily on August 30, 2002 09:30 AM

This is the human voice of a biological female.

Storytellers, good voices, the freight train flow that doesn't give the reader a good place to turn out the light and go to bed.

Bring it on, show me where it's gathered.

Posted by: Sheila Lennon on August 30, 2002 07:54 PM

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