a node at the edge  

August 30, 2002
NeighborhoodBrowsin' them links, Writen' them postings

Loren wrote a wonderful essay about To Kill a Mockingbird for the Banned Books project that's a must read. For the record, I am also quite fond of this book, as well as the movie based on the book starring Gregory Peck.

I am aware that the book does use racially explosive and derogatory terms, the primary reason it appeared on the banned books list. However, the tight integration into the material makes the phrases/words an integral part of the story -- they add to the richness of the scenes and provide defining nuances for both the time and the place.

In addition to the essay, following my earlier discussion about trying to write a weblog posting or two based on the style of writing demonstrated in whatever book just finished reading, Loren uses the style of writing from To Kill a Mockingbird in a new posting that, well, tripped me into a full throated, from the belly, rip-roarin' guffaw.

Thankfully I work on home.

(Loren is packin' his weblog and movin' it over to that there Movable Type. This means that we'in these parts can comment and use these new fangled permalink things. That's a rought smart move, boy.)

Posted by Bb at August 30, 2002 01:51 PM


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