a node at the edge  

August 31, 2002
WritingMore words than five

I'm seeing a metamorphosis in many of the weblogs I visit lately -- people not only moving their weblogs to new servers or new weblogging tools, but also looking to redefine what their weblogs mean to them. Why am I here?

I wrote the following in an email to a good friend yesterday:

    Today, I stopped weblogging and started writing using weblogging tools.

It's just a sentence. It's just words. But it changes my view of why I'm here.

Posted by Bb at August 31, 2002 11:43 AM


"Today, I stopped weblogging and started writing using weblogging tools."

And there you have it. I've suggested for quite a while now that there's no such thing as blogging. There's personal publishing, there's content management, there's a wonderful emerging tool set that makes these things easy for even the less technically inclined.

Incidentally, I did some writing, using the comment facility in a post below this one... wrote my little heart out, then lost the comment to a bit bucket somewhere. Broke mah heart... I had such marvelous opinions I was trying to share on the subject of sexism. Someday, they will re-emerge.

Posted by: Frank on August 31, 2002 02:55 PM

I like the reformulation, Bb.

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on August 31, 2002 04:16 PM

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