a node at the edge  

September 04, 2002
TechnologyThreadNeedle meets BlogMD

I spent some time today hanging around at the BlogMD discussion group, talking about RDF, RSS, embedding problems, data models and so on.

As much of a lone wolf as I must seem to people, I prefer working these types of problem as a team. There is something about multiple heads working together that can make the most complicated problem seem solvable.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if any of the weblogging tool builders are involved in this effort. Too bad. The only way something like ThreadNeedle, or TrackBack, is really going to work is if we can get buy in from, at the least, Userland, Movable Type, and Blogger.

Posted by Bb at September 04, 2002 08:31 PM


I'm always amazed at the amount of time people invest in the technology behind their blogs. It makes me wonder if there are any average people out there with blogs of their own, or if the world of bloggers is populated solely by techno-geeks.

Posted by: clark on September 4, 2002 08:34 PM

I think you need a serious browsing of the blog*spot listings sometime, Clark. Or pick any weblog host. Yes, the geeks are vastly outnumbered. Non-techies are just not as noticeable because they don't get loud and whiny* about the tools. Usually.

* I mean that in a good way. I have to...

Posted by: Kafkaesquí on September 4, 2002 10:08 PM

Shelley -

I think you're exactly right when you say efforts like ours will only succeed with the buyin of weblogging tool builders. That's been a key goal for us from day 1.

We actually did reach out to the three you noted (Radio, MT, Blogger), and have seen varying levels of interest from each. Dave has thus far not expressed much interest, and indicated he's busy with his own stuff. Ev actually only got back to us very recently, and has indicated he'll try to get someone from Pyra to at least check out our effort. And Ben over at MT has given us a pretty positive response, indicating that he's open to the idea of incorporating our work into MT (see here).

As we go forward, we'll continue to try to loop in these folks and more. While I wish I could have all of them right there in the forum, I think it will be easier to get their input as we get some more concrete ideas on the table that we can show them and say "would you implement something like this or not?".

I'm optimistic that we'll get folks on board as the effort progresses, but of course, that could be just me. But we've no intentin of giving up anytime soon... so we'll see!


Posted by: N.Z. Bear on September 5, 2002 09:57 AM


Posted by: on September 12, 2002 12:38 AM

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