a node at the edge  

September 25, 2002
WritingDid someone say non-Techie?

I've been writing primarily about technology lately, though I want to assure one and all that this is NOT the focus of this weblog -- it's just one area of interest in my life. I do want to apologize to those who had subscribed to my RSS feeds, as I know my not supporting RSS is inconvenient.

I have a chapter finished in my online book, but I've been hesitating about releasing it. I feel that there needs to be at least one other chapter released with it, to present another facet to the story. I have to think on this a bit.

Off to more interviews today. Wish me luck.

Posted by Bb at September 25, 2002 07:06 AM

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Im a tech and even Ive been bored. Mainly because I dont care about the RSS/RDF fight or issues at all. But yeah, lets see some shelly the human posts again :)

Posted by: ruzz on September 25, 2002 07:38 AM

Luck, Bb. :)

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on September 25, 2002 08:50 AM

I'm very interested in your human, user perspective on RSS ..... PLEASE DON'T ABANDON THE TECHIE GROUP .... WE NEED YOU! You made at least one very good point: RSS is all about finding what is transpiring now. But your wrong about RDF being opposed to that. RDF is just background facts, they can be current and changeing, or perminant. My big point was that RSS should find a way to point into the background facts, but not necessarily include the facts in a jumble of complexity. I feel because of my discourteous language you missed my point. Oh well ... geuss i need to go back to polishing school.

Posted by: Seth Russell on September 25, 2002 01:39 PM

Here's a thought. When I was developing BigBlogTool technical issues overran my personal site until people complained a lot, then they stopped reading.

What I did was began a dev blog to talk about all my tech issues for the site. This way everyone was happy. I just hate the feeling of seeing you at the top of my blogroll and coming to find a bunch of RSS stuff I dont care a bit about.

This is probably just as true (though reversed) for those readers who are avidly following the discussions and issues on RSS/RDF.

Just a thought.

Posted by: ruzz on September 25, 2002 05:06 PM

Great luck today :)

Posted by: Karl on September 25, 2002 05:26 PM

Seth, your statement wasn't the best I've had recently, but was not the worst, by far.

I have had some great dealings with the RSS community. But in the last week, I've been told "down, girl", "jesus, woman", asked if I'm married when I visited the RSS/RDF group, asked for an online photo at the same group, read "chicks dig guys who get RDF", and "she's a girl?". All statements made in good humor. No one statement meant to offend or hurt. Combine them, though, and what's the story they tell?

(And I surely hope that the story they tell is not that I have no sense of humor.)

I'm sorry, but I have little interest in continuing to debate much of anything with the RDF/RSS community at this point. My decision was the best one, at least until there is a shift in attitude as well as an interest in supporting the 'customer'.

Best of luck to all of you.

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on September 25, 2002 08:33 PM

RSS Technology? I have no idea what RSS is, even after intensely studying a few web sites devoted to the topic for approximately 40 to 57 seconds. I’ve always cynically assumed that it was merely a vehicle for some clever coders to take the every-bloggers’ content, capture and redistribute it in some warped and mysterious “aggregator” while simultaneously usurping some type of profit; just prior to using the aggregated information to take over the world. Needless to say, I hope you don’t stop blogging about the topic. And good luck!

Posted by: fishrush on September 26, 2002 01:58 PM

Best interview tip I ever got:

Drink water beforehand, not coffee. Drink it until your urine goes clear. That way you won't dry up part way through.

Posted by: Kevin on September 26, 2002 05:48 PM

Ruzz, I used to have a tech weblog -- Alter ego. But you know, I've worked on over 12 different computer books, and I'm tired of writing about technology.

I guess this weblog would be considered a personal weblog, and since I'm a person who's interested in technology, art, books, photography, people, traveling, sensuality, politics, the environment, and cats, we'll see each of these topics covered here in their own time.

Thanks for advice/best wishes on job interviews folks.

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on September 26, 2002 08:11 PM

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