a node at the edge  

September 28, 2002
TechnologyPHP/MySQL help

My system has MySql 2.23.51, Apache 1.3, PHP4, FreeBSD, and I'm running into problems trying to update or insert into MySql with PHP. The update or insert works, but I get warning back:

Warning: MySQL: Unable to save result set

The change is saved, but the application breaks. No error messge is generated in log, no error number is returned. I can insert or update using Perl without a problem.

I researched the problem and tried compiling PHP as a shared Apache module -- and not. I've used PHP's default MySql libraries, and have also tried local MySql libraries.

I'd sacrifice a chicked at midnight, if I thought this would work. Anyone recognize this problem? Suggestions?

Posted by Bb at September 28, 2002 09:46 AM

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It is an open and elusive bug in PHP. It only seems to happen to some people with various configurations. From what I remember the exact setup required to cause this bug isn't known yet. Which version of PHP are you running and what ./configuration options?

Posted by: Kjartan Mannes on September 28, 2002 12:21 PM

Relevant PHP bug reports that might give you some suggestions:


Posted by: Kjartan Mannes on September 28, 2002 12:25 PM

Thanks for the links. My last configure was:

./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local --with-xml --with-config-file=/usr/local/ --prefix=/usr/local/www/php

However, I've tried a lot of variations (shared apache module and not, using PHP's mysql and not).

My PHP version is 4.2.3.

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on September 28, 2002 04:36 PM

I'd try compiling it without XML support to see if it makes a difference (when faced with an impossible problem try totally bizzare solutions).

If that fails try using the latest PHP cvs version.

Since Perl works do you know which version of the MySQL libs it attached itself too? PHP might be detecting the wrong version.

I've never faced this problem myself so that is all the help I can offer. You could try asking on the PHP-dev list to see if they are any wiser.

Posted by: Kjartan Mannse on September 29, 2002 06:28 AM

Thanks for suggestions, Kjartan.

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on September 29, 2002 09:27 AM

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