a node at the edge  

October 13, 2002
NeighborhoodLots of visitors

According to my statistics package, I had over 25,000 visits from Slashdot the last few days. I do know that my server felt the strain Friday night, but held together. I learned an important lesson from the experience -- don't save your pages as 'php', unless you really need the PHP functionality. As Mark said, Ouch!

In addition, over 160 comments in the weblog posting, and over 330 at Slashdot.

Calls for a sequel, with lots of requests for favorite languages. I would like to visit Babble Meadow again, except the next time I thought I would go with a different group of characters. I think weblogger avatars should have a convention, don't you? Want to visit Babble Meadow?

In the meantime, I have some family stuff I have to do the next couple of days. Till Wednesday.

Posted by Bb at October 13, 2002 08:53 PM

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I think the sequel should include Applesoft BASIC, which doesn't say anything but just goes around POKE-ing everyone else.

Posted by: Mark on October 13, 2002 10:38 PM

Uh, I don't live in Babble Meadow already? Feels like it sometimes.

Sure, I'll visit.

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on October 14, 2002 07:53 AM

I'm thinking my next one will be "Babble Meadows: If countries could speak"...

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on October 14, 2002 07:10 PM

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