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October 22, 2002
NeighborhoodIt's the "Baby in the Office" Bug

Dorothea writes:

    It’s not leaving. Somebody make it go away! I’m trapped in an office with a baby! Help! ¡Socorro! M’aidez!

Posted by Bb at October 22, 2002 03:19 PM

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'A baby in the office' sounds like some kind of euphemism. You know:

'Gee, Bob, are you okay?'
'Well, you know Susan, I've kind of had a baby in the office lately.'
'Gosh, Bob, I'm sorry to hear that.'

And so on.

Posted by: steve on October 22, 2002 03:37 PM

At least, it sounds that way to me.

Posted by: steve on October 22, 2002 03:37 PM

Tell her it's not fair to rub in it like that when I'm sitting here alone in my office being driven crazy by the ongoing picture of an empty microphone and stupid middle-aged whites speculating on the possible theories behind the Washington sniper.

Posted by: Loren on October 22, 2002 03:48 PM

I'LL TRADE YOU, LOREN! Any day. I can drown out the morons with earphones. My co-workers voices are too high for that in presence of baby.

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on October 22, 2002 03:54 PM

See, now that I work at home nobody drops by with babies, middle-aged whites, or anything, so all I have to amuse myself are stupid jokes about euphemisms. Those, and ice cream. And the dog ate all the ice cream. And he didn't even laugh at my joke. It's all so very sad.

Does anyone want to come over? You can bring your babies and/or middle-aged whites.

Posted by: steve on October 22, 2002 03:56 PM

*sigh* That was the loveliest thing about working at home. Nobody to bug me 'cept the Goth-kitties, and they mostly didn't.

Misanthrope? Me? Guilty as charged.

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on October 22, 2002 04:13 PM

Steve, Loren, I'm working at home, alone, too. However, given a choice between a screaming baby, and middle-aged white person speculating on the whys and wherefores of the DC sniper, I'll take my cat.

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on October 22, 2002 04:15 PM

Well, I'll have to admit that the television is now off and I'm about to go out in the sunshine and throw the frisbee for the dog.

Still, you can only throw so many frisbees, despite the dog laying his head on your lap and looking at you mournfully.

Posted by: Loren on October 22, 2002 04:40 PM

Doesn't it kind of depend on how many frisbees the dog actually brings back?

I don't have a dog, so just guessing.

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on October 22, 2002 04:48 PM


He brings them all back, except the ones I have to climb up in the shrubs to get because "someone" made a bad throw.

More importantly, though, Bb seems to have missed the fact that it wasn't crying babies that bothered you but, instead, the delighted cries of other office workers.

Posted by: Loren on October 22, 2002 05:04 PM

I'll betcha dollars to donuts my good sir, that the melodious cries of said infant aided and abetted Dorothea's state.

What say Dorothea?

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on October 22, 2002 05:18 PM

If only there'd been a Webcam in Dorothea's office...

Posted by: Jonathon Delacour on October 22, 2002 07:35 PM

...trained directly on Dorothea's face so we could experience the subtle play of emotions up close and personal.

Luckily webcams don't carry sound.

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on October 22, 2002 07:53 PM

Can candid camera webcam sites be far off? Have they already happened and I missed it? I could have a site hosting a cam that is always trained on a crack in the pavement where people trip a lot, or something like that.

Posted by: steve on October 22, 2002 10:01 PM

I got you all beat. I get to work at home WITH a screaming baby. (well, she's finally out of that stage, but it lasted four whole years.) Throw in two dogs, a middle age white, a dark brown, and little beige and you pretty much have my work environment. Yeh. I get a lot done.

Posted by: jeneane on October 22, 2002 10:47 PM

I got you all beat. I get to work at home WITH a screaming baby. (well, she's finally out of that stage, but it lasted four whole years.) Throw in two dogs, a middle age white, a dark brown, and little beige and you pretty much have my work environment. Yeh. I get a lot done.

Posted by: jeneane on October 22, 2002 11:06 PM

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