a node at the edge  

October 25, 2002
TechnologyNew Web Host Needed

I'm going to be losing my server November 4th, and need to move some weblogs and other applications and pages to a new server. I'm looking for hosting suggestions. Inexpensive ("cheap") hosting suggestions.

I need some fairly standard stuff -- PHP, MySql, Perl (Compatible with MT), and Python. I looked at Cornerhost, which can provide all of this. However, I would really like to have Tomcat access for my JSP/Java applications.

I did find one host that doesn't look bad, but I know nothing about them -- JavaServletHosting. Has anyone heard anything negative about them? Positive?

I liked Michel at Cornerhost -- answered my questions quickly, prices are great. However, the allowable bandwidth is very low, and no Tomcat.

Does anyone have anyone else to suggest? Oh, and needless to say -- Linux, please, with SSH access, and FTP -- you know, the usual, bag of geeky toys.

Posted by Bb at October 25, 2002 04:14 PM

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cheap, full-featured, great pipes.
i'm a satisfied customer.

Posted by: Rick T on October 25, 2002 06:03 PM


Ace place. I promise.

Posted by: Rogi on October 27, 2002 06:51 AM

Always Web Hosting or Small-Packages. Both are fantastic hosts with very reasonable rates.

Posted by: Lee on October 27, 2002 01:14 PM

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