a node at the edge  

May 01, 2002
PhotographyDon't Breathe!

Today, four cranes made their way underneath the San Franciscan Bay Bridge, necessitating closure of the bridge temporarily. The closure was to prevent the weight of the cars from lowering the bridge span, an undesireable effect considering that clearance between the cranes and the Bay Bridge is only 22 inches -- a very squeeky fit, indeed.

Since San Franciscans are always on the lookout for a good party, several folks showed up to witness the crane passage, and the sky was full of helicoptors.

Luckily, no one breathed and the cranes made it safely through.

(See related story in SF Gate.)

Posted by Bb at May 01, 2002 11:21 AM


thanks for the picture. i live in sacramento now, but was born and raised in SF and heard about this on the radio this am and wondered what it might look like.....

Posted by: Christine on May 1, 2002 08:48 PM

do you mean "don't breathe!"
(i.e., the verb, not the noun)

Posted by: acm on May 3, 2002 12:35 PM

Allan, reposted pics, just for you ;-)

And Christine, glad you liked pic!

And acm, you're too kind.

Posted by: Bb aka Shelley aka Weblog Bosswoman on May 4, 2002 09:29 PM

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