a node at the edge  

May 01, 2002
EnvironmentThe Wonder of it All

The Washington Post created a small but nice animated photo display, with music, showing some of the latest Hubble photos, caught with a new advanced camera sysem.

Take one minute -- just one minute -- to lose yourself in wonder.

Posted by Bb at May 01, 2002 11:54 AM


Mindblowing stuff. I want to visit the Tadpole galaxy.

Thanks for the pointer.

Posted by: Allan on May 1, 2002 03:53 PM

Fabulous. ;-)

Posted by: Rogi on May 1, 2002 04:22 PM

Mice and tadpole galaxies. Reminds me of being a teenager, wondering if our galaxy is just a molecule in someone's thumbnail. Maybe a proton in the tail of a tadpole?

Nice one minute, there. Thanks Shelley.

Posted by: on May 1, 2002 08:35 PM

Truely incredible, to think how small we really are and how breathtaking that picture is....

Posted by: Christine on May 1, 2002 08:45 PM

Great stuff, Thanks! Hard to imagine that something that looks like Star Trek or Star Wars special effects is real!

Posted by: Kath on May 2, 2002 04:36 AM

Those photos do lend perspective to our small lives on this planet -- or at least they should. If only we would remember what an awesome reality we are a part of, we might see how how alien and ugly our petty warfaring really is.

Posted by: Elaine on May 2, 2002 05:51 PM

I can't read your weblog because the photos are ending up right on top of the text. I've visited before without that problem, so I presume it's somthing about the new incarnation...

using Netscape on a Wintel machine...

Posted by: acm on May 3, 2002 12:33 PM

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