a node at the edge  

May 07, 2002
MetabloggingTwo more bloggers come over to the MT side...

Shannon recently switched from a Blogger weblog to Movable Type, and did a nice, neat job of it, too.

And then I was tripping through the Plutonians and found that Phil Ringalda has moved to Movable Type. That one floored me. If you've worked with Blogger, than you know Phil -- he's helped most of us resolve problems we've had with Blogger. To see him come over to the MT side was a shock.

Why damme, that MT is bustin' out all over!

Posted by Bb at May 07, 2002 10:40 PM


I still haven't got over the shock of Jonothan moving from Radio myself. That *really* floored me. :-)

Posted by: Rogi on May 8, 2002 01:22 AM

I've been working at this for 2 weeks and each time I get a hurdle with my web host that's a big leap to get over. Major pain. The latest is that I have to send them a fax with a copy my driver's license and signature to get them to change the permissions on the db directory.

I appreciate their efforts to protect my security, but I feel like I'm dealing with Network Solutions!

Posted by: Kath on May 8, 2002 04:42 AM

That's ridiculous...go see www.hostingmatters.com Kath - cheap, excellent service, and an amazingly high quality support service. (It's very small, but they are *excellent*) :-)

Posted by: Rogi on May 8, 2002 07:24 AM

Also Kath, befroe you see hostingmatters, see this: http://www.blogomania.com

I *think* that Christine runs that...

Posted by: Rogi on May 8, 2002 07:28 AM

Maybe sooner or later I will switch my ISP for my personal site so I can use it too.

Just don't feel like the effort right now :)

Posted by: Karl on May 8, 2002 08:04 AM

Oh, but Karl, it's *so* worth it.

Posted by: Shannon on May 8, 2002 08:48 AM

I must admit to be more than somewhat taken aback after I posted a question on MT's support site the other day and Phil answered it :-) That says an awful lot about MT and it's all good.

As for moving sites off ISPs and onto a true hosting service - it can't be recommended too highly.

For those of you who are American - you might want to look at hosting companies in Canada. Remember the CDN$ is worth 40% less than the US$ but the prices are similar so you save money - and that's a good thing! Check out www.rackforce.com if you're interested. while they are a wholesale hosting data center they can put you in touch with one of the hosting companies they host.


Posted by: Doug Alder on May 8, 2002 02:52 PM

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