a node at the edge  

May 08, 2002

If you've read this weblog for any length of time than you know I'm rather partial to San Francisco.

Unfortunately, it looks like I'll be having to move. San Francisco is now known as the most expensive city in the US. It's also a place where every technical contracting postion has 200+ applicants. These two facts aren't necessarily mutually compatible.

What a bitch.

I could be more eloquent, but "what a bitch" sums up the situation quite nicely.

Posted by Bb at May 08, 2002 12:15 AM


There are much more expensive cities in the world that San Fran Bb, but yeah, that is a bitch as you love it there don't you.

Hummm...why don't you get a different type of job that has vibrance, energy and surrounds you with people? Like, say, a stall in that market that you posted a picture of the other day? Super vibrant work, lots of great people around, lots of fun...I can just imagine you doing that.

(Then, just to be on the safe side, I'll start the 'Feed the Bird!' club, membership of which will require the mailing of two items of food to your place once a week - so you don't starve to death if the money is not very good. :-D )

And then do your Top Ubergeekess *grin* writing in the evenings?

There you are! Problem solved! ;-)

Posted by: Rogi on May 8, 2002 01:34 AM

We've never actually met out in the real world, so in that sense it's not as if your moving should impact me one way or the other, but somehow I experience the idea of your moving as a loss. Certainly SF would be poorer without you. Perhaps also I'm projecting what I expect would happen to me, which is that if you move out of grim necessity rather than hope and joy, you might be slightly less you, and of course that's bad for all of us.

Posted by: Abie on May 9, 2002 02:48 PM

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