June 03, 2002
Technology Updates
Blogicon's new home will be blogicon.blogrolling.com, and the new caretaker is Jason DeFillippo.
Note that the move is still in process - check later today or tomorrow to see if it's complete. When the move is finished, I'll redirect Blogicon requests to the new home, but you'll want to change your links.
Also, I have updated my LINK tag to meet the newest change. Note to aggregation folks - can you change your beasties to poll less frequently? I post throughout the day, but not every five minutes.
Constant hits by XML aggregators, tired am I to quote Yoda.
Posted by Bb at June 03, 2002 12:14 PM
Houston, we have a problem here...
I'm writing about your blog on taking time off. Don't feel guilty! I really enjoy your writing and your thoughts on technology and content. The weblog format tends to emphasize chronological frequency rather than quality of content. Rather than continuously providing content, I spent the last week converting old content into static html pages. That's enough to keep me busy for a long while! Oh, by the way, I wondered aloud whether Kafka would have kept a weblog
http://www.imaginaryplanet.net/essays/literary/kafka.html Many good writers don't need deadlines or volume quotas, although some have benefitted from those things.
Regarding the last post - that you whiningly left the 'comments' ability off of. Stop moaning and just get on with it. ;-)
*runs away* :-D
Anyway, where are you off too? 2000 miles?? Sorry if I missed a previously published answer - I've been really busy. :-(