a node at the edge  

June 28, 2002
I want my DSL!

(Begin of minutia minute)

The fight continues to try and get my DSL connection to work. I'm impressed with the amount of time and effort that Earthlink is expending on the problem - I was in conversations for several hours on Wednesday with two technicians, as well as a detailed conversation with an advanced troubleshooting technician yesterday.

My problem is that I'm suffering from weak signal strength - having a signal of 6.5 when a signal of at least 9 (what?) is needed. And since we've eliminated the radio towers as a problem (they're over 1/4 of a mile away), as well as the fact that I don't have an alarm system or a digital TV system, all that's left is to check the physical connections. Yet another technician, yet another conversation.

The modem isn't bad, but I need a faster and more reliable connection for work I'm trying to do on multiple servers. Grrr.

Update: Busy little elves were hard at work because I have DSL today!

(Image of Shelley doing wild, ecstatic, naked dance around her laptop, hoopin' and hollerin'. World is concerned that perhaps Stavros is having a very bad influence on the Bird.)

(End of minutia minute)

Posted by Bb at June 28, 2002 06:42 AM


If Earthlink had offered me service like that, I wouldn't have had to complain to the Attorney General's office about them to get back the money they owed me. Could it be they've been listening to their customers? Or did I just slip through their cracks?

Posted by: steve himmer on June 28, 2002 06:13 AM

What part of town are you in? Could be bad wiring, could be your friend and mine (Southwestern Bell) putting competitors DSL on crappy ports in the CO so they get fed up and use SBC instead.

Posted by: rev_matt on June 28, 2002 11:41 AM

Not quite sure where I'm at (yes, need map), but I had checked previously and we're not served by SWB and SBC - I checked first. The possibility of bad wiring and bad ports is very real. Unfortunately, Earthlink has NOT gotten back to me with next steps.

Posted by: Bb aka Shelley aka Weblog Bosswoman on June 28, 2002 12:20 PM

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