a node at the edge  

July 08, 2002
TechnologyTech Hassles cont.

I pinpointed the code that wasn't executing in Movable Type and have forwarded same on to Ben. I know the issue is a data one, but hopefully this will provide enough information so that Ben can give me some direction as to how to incorporate categories back into this weblog. I also finally sent $20.00 to Ben and Mena for my use of MT - I wish I could do more, but I'm tapped.

(I'd give them an autographed copy of Essential Blogging in exchange for using MT, but since they co-authored it I'm assuming they'd rather have the bucks. Especially since they are also looking to move to a new server.)

BTW - I still love my Movable Type! Particularly since I could hack directly and easily into the nice, clean, highly readable Perl code.

Effort continues on the server resource issue.

Posted by Bb at July 08, 2002 10:13 AM


Since at least some of your bandwidth is going to Needley, I would think you could appeal for financial support without feeling bad about it.

You wouldn't get a whole lot, to be sure -- bloggers who try this generally don't, nothing to do with you -- but every little is something.

I'd try to kick in my share, as much of your 'width as I consume. :)

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on July 8, 2002 11:39 AM

Thanks, Dorothea! I'm hoping I can swing on my own, at least to start. If ThreadNeedle takes off and consumes massive amounts of bandwidth, then I might pass 'round the hat. Or seek new home for it.

Posted by: Bb aka Shelley aka Weblog Bosswoman on July 8, 2002 12:00 PM

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