a node at the edge  

September 20, 2002
LifeOverheard at IRC

(Note, names have been changed to protect the deliciously guilty...)

[12:19] Shelly: "Postscript: You know, there are no women involved in
the RDF/RSS working group or the RDF working group. I think this should
change. Perhaps I should lurk less and talk more. Any other lady techs in
the audience wish to join me?" Good point!
[12:20] you know, I didn't know Shelly was a girl.
[12:20] i thought that was a last name.

(Reprinted with permission.)

Posted by Bb at September 20, 2002 01:21 PM

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I like my name, but this is a lovely reason to like yours. This kind of thing *never* happens to me.

Posted by: Dorothea Salo on September 20, 2002 01:39 PM

very very funny. and hey - you *should* be in those groups. that was some helpful descriptions you posted earlier.

Posted by: Karl on September 20, 2002 02:19 PM

Indeed you should be in the groups. :) And I'm sure it's known that you're a girl *now*.

Posted by: l.m.orchard on September 20, 2002 04:03 PM

Woman. W-O-M-A-N. Woman.

Repeat after me all: Shelley is a woman. Burningbird is a woman. Shelley hurts people who call her girl. Shelley hurts people more who call her boy. Shelley is a woman. W-O-M-A-N.

Groups would never be the same. I'm like my weblog -- eclectic and changing direction frequently and quickly.

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on September 20, 2002 04:30 PM

You're a woman? Fooled me... ;]

Posted by: Kafkaesquí on September 20, 2002 05:32 PM

Honest. Just because my breasts aren't on display over at rack browser, doesn't mean I don't have any ;-)

Posted by: Shelley aka Bb on September 20, 2002 06:31 PM

Oh, please. I've been assured half those on rack browser are actually men. And I'm not talking about the obvious ones...

Posted by: Kafkaesquí on September 20, 2002 07:13 PM

Sorry. You are indeed woman. :) Just playing on the original theme.

Posted by: l.m.orchard on September 21, 2002 12:18 AM

Shelley, if you need some help posting your rack pictures, I've some experience getting my own up there. It's rather uplifting to see the amount of support, eh?

Posted by: Morbus Iff on September 22, 2002 09:43 AM

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