a node at the edge  

September 20, 2002
NeighborhoodHelp put an apostrophe into Wood s lot

A fellow weblogger, a quiet soul, Mark Wood of wood s lot has lost access to a computer. For someone like Mark, a voracious pursuer of excellent information, which he then shares freely and gladly, this is a crime.

There's not much that any of us can do for all the folks in the world, but at the least, we can take care of our neighbors. Euan Semple has set up a Paypal account for Mark at his weblog. March your cute butts over there and scrape over a few bucks. Please.

Posted by Bb at September 20, 2002 05:23 PM

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I've a Vaio PCG-505F laptop I can donate to the cause, if someone else can cover shipping and a PCMCIA network card. Currently running FreeBSD. The floppy disk and docking dongle will be available shortly, once I've finished moving.

Contact me at the email address above, or +1 8433387505.

Posted by: Richard Soderberg on September 21, 2002 10:34 AM

Nice one Richard - I've collected around $280 so far so the PCMCIA card and shipping should be no problem and Mark could also buy loads of software.

All I need now is to work out how to contact Mark!

Posted by: Euan on September 21, 2002 02:15 PM

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